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Washing cabinet manufacturers teach you where to start conservation

Washing cabinet manufacturers teach you where to start conservation

Date of release:2017-12-31 Author: Click:

Washing cabinet manufacturers teach you where to start conservation

Dust. In this monotonous windy season, the closet is covered with dust and is therefore dust-free. Dust on the outside of the closet We can use a clean soft cotton cloth or some old t-shirts to scrub, but what we need to keep in mind is that we can not clean the closet with the things we use to clean the dishes. After the eradication of clean dust, it should be scrubbed with wet cloth, which will clean the dust of the closet more and more cleanly, but should not leave the moisture on the surface of the closet, so wash it again with a dry cloth.

Washing cabinet manufacturers

clean. The cleanliness here is not about cleaning the dirt as it is said above, but about cleaning it up. The whole wardrobe manufacturers to use a dedicated wardrobe cleaner to clean the appearance of the closet dirt, after cleaning with solvent remnants of the remaining wax.

Washing cabinet manufacturers

Waxed. Punctuality once every three months as a solid wood wash wax on the wardrobe. All wardrobe manufacturers in the wax before the need to check the appearance of solid wood wardrobe is complete, and to clean the appearance of the closet after the wax. Before waxing, use a mild, non-alkaline soapy water to remove the old wax wax. When waxing, apply a small piece of cloth and apply a suitable amount of polish to the exterior, then apply a little dry cloth Just wax on the uniform change. Waxing time to be careful not to over-filled, otherwise it will block the pores of the wood, which will make the appearance of the coating damage, but also makes wardrobe wood moisture content changes lead to cracking. High-end laundry

Washing cabinet manufacturers

Avoid direct sunlight. Although the autumn and winter sunshine is not intense in the summer, as the sun shines for a long time and the monotonous climate itself, the wood is too monotonous and the cracks and partial fading appear briefly, seriously affecting the appearance of the wardrobe.

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